Saturday, October 3, 2009

Time with R.C.

I had a wonderful opportunity to spend some time with R. C. Sproul this morning. No, not in person. When the day began it didn't seem all that wonderful, or spiritual for that matter. I had already decided that this would be the day. As I stared upward from the base of Mount St. Faded Glory (a mountain the size of Mount St. Helens made of washed but unfolded clothes), I began to plan my ascent and outfit my gear. I could not find any oxygen bottles to help finish the climb, but as I scanned the inventory, I found a three-hour collection of lectures from R. C. on the cross of Christ. This would carry me to the summit and back down safely.

Listening to Dr. Sproul teach on various aspects of the atonement made the mundane chore much more bearable. While I never look forward to folding and hanging up clothes, this was surely a way to redeem the time and glorify God in all things. I got caught up in the depth of the curse of the cross and the love of Christ for us. As I dove into basket after basket of clothes, the glories of Christ's work shone more brightly. Yes, Sproul even explored the crucial translation question of propitiation vs. expiation. The clothing tags for "Faded Glory" stood out in stark contrast to the blazing glory of the lamb as he purchased people from every tribe and tongue and nation.

If you have an MP3 player (and it seems most folks < 50 do these days), find a few choice series of lectures and tuck them away on it for just such an occasion. You won't regret it.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see this, especially given the attacks these days on the substitutionary atonement of Christ.
